ETAPP will train teachers giving them the necessary time to be qualified, to stimulate studies and research, text translation to be applied to the technique to be able to make presentations and events for the general public.
ETAPP will promote a criterion of excellency with the training of its teachers. The program is organized to enable each student to develop its highest capacities of listening and of working. He, she is encouraged to integrate the principles in his, her daily life and to become a unique teacher.
ETAPP also emulates critical thinking among future teachers and offers Bates teaching to improve your sight.
ETAPP welcomes students and teachers from other training courses in an atmosphere of opening and respect, organizing visits and exchanges between european schools (Copenhagen, Berlin, London and Milan) between teachers through internet which allows a professional development.
ETAPP offers a space where new teachers can come and recharge their batteries, invites many senior teachers from abroad to stimulate everyone ; Ted Dimon for anatomy and voice, Yehuda Kuperman who trained most of the swiss and german teachers ; The regretted Rivkha Cohen who has influenced many teachers, Giora Pinkas from California, Gal from Israel, Shaike and Linda from Tel Aviv, Nelly Ben-Or a concert pianist and a music teacher,Avi Granit and Caren Bayer I trained with , Alex Farkas from New York, pianist who teaches music schools around the world and our supervisor, Peter Ribeaux who had a school for 35 years.

The life of Alexander and its discoveries
The development of the Technique and teaching
The writings of Alexander : The Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual, The Universal Constant in Living, The Supreme Inheritage of Man,The Use the Self.
Reading and analysis of selected writings on the Technique and other refering books close to the Technique.
Use and functionning
The recognition of the force of habits
The Non reliable sensory appreciation
To do and not to do
The end gaining versus the means whereby
The directions, the active thinking
The Primary Control and the dynamics of head, neck and back
A good Use of the Self
The awareness to react to a stimulus and the ability to inhibit that reaction.
The constant improvement of one’s own use : mental, physical and emotional.
To develop that improved Use and the capacity to hold on to it while teaching.
To maintain one’s directions while teaching, talking and developing one’s touch. The Touch quality : quality of the hands, of the intention; of doing and non-doing to be always renewed.
Practice and maintenance of the Inhibition with the student in motion, guiding him or her through various procedures, and through simple and complex moves.
The ability to lead owing to the letting go.
Some basics of anatomy.
Working on a chair, a stool or on the table
Hands on the back of a chair
Position of mechanical advantage (Monkey position)
To squat
The Dart procedures : crawling on four and getting up
The back against the wall, hands on the wall
The table work and the floor work
The whispered Ah
The voice work
working on your sight with Bates
Study, discussions, experimental work on walking backwards and forward,Through dance, music, voice and sight, through yoga, Qi gong and Taichi.
Opening to other teachers, other techniques
Giving an introduction to a group
Giving a first lesson
Feed back and follow-up (internal and external moderation)
Giving a worshop to a specific group (psychotherapists, musicians, actors, dancers, riders).
The brief (memoir), studies and research
Presentation from a student chosing a subject
A list is proposed at the beginning of the year.

Premier trimestre
Christine Hardy les lundis sauf les 16/09, 14/10 et le 9/12 Pedro de Alcantara
Véronique Marco physiologie, les 19/09, le 10/10, 28/11 et le 05/12
Claire de Obaldia les mercredis pour la lecture des livres d'Alexander
Odyssée Gaveau tous les jours
Peter Ribeaux, notre superviseur viendra présenter son livre du 4 au 07 Novembre
Emploi du temps : tous les jours de 9h à 13h du lundi au jeudi : 09/09/2024 au 06/01/2025
Vacances de la Toussaint : 18/10 au 03/11/2024
Vacances de Noël : 20/12/2024 au 06/01/2025
Deuxième trimestre
Christine Hardy les lundis
Claire de Obaldia les mercredis sauf les 8/01 et 15/01
Odyssée Gaveau tous les jours
Pedro de Alcantara les 20/01, 13/02. 17/03.
Alexandra Fridici (voix) les 14/01. 11/02. 11/03.
Véronique Marco (physiologie) les 9/01. 30/01. 6/02. 6/03. 27/03.
Nina Hutchings (yeux) le 27/01
Emploi du temps : tous les jours du lundi au jeudi : 06/01/2025 au 13/02/2025
Vacances de février : 14/02 au 03/03/2025
Troisième trimestre
Christine Hardy Les lundis
Claire de Obaldia les mercredis
Odyssée tous les jours
Pedro de Alcantara les 28/04, 12/05, 2/06
Alexandra Fridici (voix) les 13/05, 17/06
Véronique Marco (physiologie) les 3/04. 10/04. 22/05. 26/06.
Vacances de Pâques : du 11/04 au 27/04/2025
Reprise : le 28/04/2025 jusqu'au 26 /06/205 fin des cours.
Emploi du temps : tous les jours du lundi au jeudi : 03/03/2025 au 26/06/2025
Cet emploi du temps est susceptible d'évoluer en fonction des séjours proposés en France ou à l’étranger et des visites de professeurs de l’étranger.
Un séjour annuel de rencontre est organisé à Bröllin en Allemagne au mois de Juin, l’occasion de rencontrer d’autres écoles et professeurs d’Europe et d’ailleurs.
Echanges internationaux : en France, au Danemark, en Allemagne, Israël.

The teaching is practical and individual. In order to protect the student rhythm, the work required of him, her, is determined by his, her personal development. There is a teacher for five students and they all share the same space in order to develop their observation skills. Our programm will last three years. Evaluation is constant and daily. It is completed under the supervision of an external examiner, half way through the course and at the end of the course. That examiner is coming to visit us every term.
At the end of the third year, the student is able to give private lessons to selected pupils under a teacher supervision. In order to get his diploma, the student must demonstrate practical skills and write an essay.
Because of a worldwide reputation, ETAPP prepares its students to interfere in various areas :
. The world of sport and health
. The art community : music, singing, dance, theater and painting
. The teaching, the industry and services
In three years you will learn at ETAPP with handworks and words to develop a quality of being and express yourself which will be unique.

A few visits to the school are required before an interview with the head of the school and her assistants.
In order to test the student motivation, around 30 lessons are required before training. Or you need a reference letter from a recognized teacher ( by STAT or APTA)
A meeting and a lesson with each permanent teacher are requested in order to assess the cultural level, openness and balance of the candidate, necessary qualities to make a good teacher.
Signature of a contract between the student and the school
Must be a member of APTA, Association des Professeurs de la Technique FMAlexander.
Most of the future students are already teachers or professionals in the medical field, languages, music, dance, theater, sport where one finds physio-therapists, osteopaths, nurses, o genders, actors or doctors.
All professions are represented there in so far as back problems and depression are commonplace in our society.

The year learning costs...................................................7000 €
The moderator..................................................................... 80 €
APTA membership...............................................................50 €
Books. …...........................................................................160 €